I have the following Aspect...
public class RestrictAspect {
protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RestrictAspect.class);
@Pointcut(value = "execution(public * *(..))")
public void allMethods() {
@Around("allMethods() && @annotation(restrict)")
public Object checkAuthorization(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp, Restrict restrict) throws Throwable {
if (pjp != null && restrict != null && restrict.toRole() >= 0) {
// get the session info -> then the users
SessionInformation si = (SessionInformation) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()
if (si == null || si.getUser() == null) {
final String msg = "No authenticated user found.";
logger.warn("Throwing InvalidAccessException: {}", msg);
throw new InvalidAccessException(msg);
final User user = si.getUser();
if (!user.isAccountAdmin()) {
final String msg = "User is not an administrator.";
logger.warn("Throwing InvalidAccessException: {}", msg);
throw new InvalidAccessException(msg);
if (AdminUserRoles.hasRightsTo(user.getRole(), restrict.toRole())) {
return pjp.proceed();
} else {
final String msg = "User does not have access to " + getRoleName(restrict.toRole(), new StringLanguage(MESSAGES, Locale.getDefault())) + "(" + restrict.toRole() + ")";
logger.warn("Throwing InvalidAccessException: {}", msg);
throw new InvalidAccessException(msg);
final String msg = "Unable to grant access.";
logger.warn("Throwing InvalidAccessException: {}", msg);
throw new InvalidAccessException(msg);
The problem is that it is attempting to apply the aspect to my final methods in my classes, and throwing the following warnings:
07 Apr 2019 02:47:11 INFO o.s.a.f.CglibAopProxy:266 [admin@test.com @ 1] - Final method [protected final javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest net.xxxx.beans.XxxBean.getHttpServletRequest()] cannot get proxied via CGLIB: Calls to this method will NOT be routed to the target instance and might lead to NPEs against uninitialized fields in the proxy instance.
07 Apr 2019 02:47:11 INFO o.s.a.f.CglibAopProxy:266 [admin@test.com @ 1] - Final method [public final java.lang.String net.xxxx.beans.XxxBean.getTimeZone()] cannot get proxied via CGLIB: Calls to this method will NOT be routed to the target instance and might lead to NPEs against uninitialized fields in the proxy instance.
07 Apr 2019 02:47:11 INFO o.s.a.f.CglibAopProxy:266 [admin@test.com @ 1] - Final method [protected final void net.zzz.beans.XxxBean.log(java.lang.String)] cannot get proxied via CGLIB: Calls to this method will NOT be routed to the target instance and might lead to NPEs against uninitialized fields in the proxy instance.
All the errors are due to a series of final methods that are defined in a base class that the Aspect is being applied to. Is there any way to write my PointCut / execution() to have it not attempt to apply this to final methods to remove my errors and clean up my logs?
What you see are not errors, just warnings. Still, it makes sense to be more precise with your pointcut, as you suggested:
@Pointcut(value = "execution(public !final * *(..))")
public void nonFinalPublicMethods() {}
BTW, if you would switch from Spring AOP to AspectJ you could also weave final methods because AspectJ does not rely on dynamic proxies.