So I'm writing this code to put my laptop in sleep mode after a given amount of time. Weird thing is, when the program wants to execute the last line of code it points out that there's a syntax error at os
I've tried putting a simple instead print command (as a test) that also ends up as a syntax error. I've tried the command inside os.system()
directly and that works.
The python version I use is 3.7.2.
import time
import sys
import os
counter = 0
for x in sys.argv:
counter+= 1
if counter== 2:
seconds = sys.argv[1]
seconds = sys.argv[2]+60*sys.argv[1]
os.system('Rundll32.exe Powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Sleep')
I expect the script to put my PC into sleep mode after x seconds or after x minutes, y seconds (dependent on parameters).
This is how I enter the command in CMD:
python x (y)
Yes I'm in the correct folder to do so.
As @SLaks pointed out:
You're missing a
However, I see something very odd in your code, and that's this part of the code:
counter = 0
for x in sys.argv:
counter+= 1
if counter== 2:
seconds = sys.argv[1]
seconds = sys.argv[2]+60*sys.argv[1]
You don't need to loop through sys.argv
to find out its length, you can uselen()
Like this:
seconds = int(sys.argv[1]) if(len(sys.argv) == 2) else (int(sys.argv[2])+60*int(sys.argv[1]))