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OSC-CREST-00025 [Bad Request] Bad Request: near "and": syntax error

I try to query Oracle Service Cloud v1.3. When using ROQL with a single WHERE condition it works. But when adding another condition (separated with AND) it complains with:

OSC-CREST-00025 [Bad Request] Bad Request: near "and": syntax error

URL: .../answers?orderBy=updatedTime%3Adesc&limit=10000&q=language%3D5+AND+updatedTime+after+%272019-04-03%27&fields=id%2Clanguage&offset=0

I believe "AND" is a valid ROQL keyword. Why is it complaining?


  • Did you try put space before and after AND in url:

    URL: .../answers?orderBy=updatedTime%3Adesc&limit=10000&q=language%3D5+%20AND%20+updatedTime+after+%272019-04-03%27&fields=id%2Clanguage&offset=0