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Using @Subcomponent android dagger 2.x not working

I'm facing an issue while trying to use Dagger's subcomponent. When I try to build this I get this error.

@Subcomponent.Builder setter methods must return void, the builder, or a supertype of the builder. Inherited method: create(T).

Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong here?


@Subcomponent(modules = [OnBoardingWelcomeFragmentModule::class])
interface OnBoardingWelcomeFragmentComponent: AndroidInjector<OnBoardingWelcomeFragment> {

  interface Builder: AndroidInjector.Factory<OnBoardingWelcomeFragment>


open class OnBoardingWelcomeFragmentModule {

  fun provideUI() = OnBoardingWelcomeFragmentUi()

  fun providesViewModelForDagger(sharedPrefsStorage: SharedPrefsStorage): OnboardingViewModel =

  fun providesViewModelFactory(@ViewModelForDagger
                               viewModel: Lazy<OnboardingViewModel>): ViewModelFactory<OnboardingViewModel> =



  • You should switch AndroidInjector.Factory to AndroidInjector.Builder instead which implements AndroidInjector.Factory.

    abstract class Builder: AndroidInjector.Builder<OnBoardingWelcomeFragment>

    The Factory interface adds a method for to use which you would have to implement yourself, since Dagger doesn't know how to—hence the error.