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How to add certified publisher in desktop application using advance installer

I have created installer of .net desktop application using advanced installer. The problem is that the publisher during installation is unknown I have created test certificate which works fine on same machine but If I want to install it on other machine its publisher becomes unknown.


  • Trusted Root Certificates: Not my expertise (just so that is clear), but you can't use a self-issued certificate for public release of an installer (maybe you can use a self-signed certificate internally in your company if you get it onto all boxes). The certificate must be available on the system you install on. I believe what you need is a proper code signing certificate issued by a trusted root authority: How to add publisher in Installshield 2018. All Windows installations should have a number of root certificates that are trusted outright, issued by trustworthy organizations. You need to sign your setup with a certificate that is issued by such a trusted organization. Prices wary.

    EV Code-Signing Certificate: It seems like one needs an EV code-signing certificate these days to deal with the SmartScreen feature in Windows - which is "trust based". These certificates apparently "buy you trust". Interesting concept... Root Certificates: Microsoft Trusted Root Certificate Program - Portal (2018).

    Further Information: Please do check previous answer for more links (don't want a dual source problem):