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How to use get and set functions javascript object

On this page it is shown that a object can implement get and setters in javascript. But they use a different way to create an object than my code. How can i implement get and setters in the following code:

function Settings()
    var fullscreen;

    // get function
    this.fullScreen = function ()
        if(fullscreen === undefined)
            return false
        return fullscreen;

    // set function
    this.fullScreen = function (fullscrn)
        fullscreen = fullscrn;

    // I want to call the set like this: settingsobj.fullScreen = false;
    // I want to call the get like this: var myvar = settingsobj.fullScreen;


  • You could take an object and implement setter/getter for a wanted property.

    var object = {
        fc: undefined,
        get fullscreen () { return this.fc === undefined ? false : this.fc; },
        set fullscreen (v) { this.fc = v; }
    object.fullscreen = 1080;

    With an instance and a provat variable and getter and setter for it.

    class Settings {
        constructor() {
            var fc;
            Object.defineProperty(this, 'fullscreen', {
                get () { return fc === undefined ? false : fc; },
                set (v) { fc = v; }
    var instance = new Settings;
    instance.fullscreen = 1080;