I would like to distribute my application packaged as WAR embedded in Apache Tomcat. That is I want to distribute Tomcat along with my application.
How can this sort of distribution packaging can be done with Maven?
I have seen the Maven Cargo Plugin, but it appears to be geared towards deploying applications in containers locally. Perhaps an additional step over Cargo plugin is what I need. cargo:package
appears to be interesting but lacks documentation.
Elaborating Tomasz's comment, you can do the following to achieve this.
Download and install tomcat to your local repository.
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.apache -DartifactId=tomcat -Dversion=7.0.10 -Dpackaging=zip -Dfile=/path/to/file
Use unpack
goal of maven dependency plugin
to unzip tomcat to a work folder
maven assembly plugin
to place the application war in webapps folder and create a zip