I have two components in my angular project. One is singleOrder form component and the other component is to display all the orders as list. If I fill the singleOrder form and click submit it should instantiate the orderList component which will internally fetch the data from DB through an API call. For that functionality I used EventEmitter.
My singleOrder component looks like below.
onSubmit(form: NgForm) { // in submit button I am calling this
this.insertRecord(form); // inserts an order in DB through an API
// this.service.wait(7000); // wait function
this.service.OrderEvent.emit(); // here it initialize the second component
My OrderList component looks like this.
ngOnInit() {
this.service.OrderEvent.subscribe(() => { // fetching data from DB
console.log("order event");
data => {
this.Orderlist = data; // displaying on UI
this.orderCollectionSize = this.Orderlist.length;
I am displaying orderlist on my UI. As I am using events until I click submit from first component my Orderlist field will be empty and nothing will be displayed on UI.
I have below code which will split the orderlist across pages as below
get Orders(): SingleOrder[] {
// console.log(this.Orderlist);
if (!this.Orderlist) { return; }
return this.Orderlist
.slice((this.page - 1) * this.pageSize, (this.page - 1) * this.pageSize + this.pageSize);
I am using this Orders variable on UI as below
<tr *ngFor="let order of Orders ">
<!-- <mat-checkbox></mat-checkbox> -->
<td (click)="openDialog(order)">{{order.orderId}}</td>
<td (click)="openDialog(order)">{{order.orderStatus}}</td>
<td (click)="openDialog(order)">{{order.paymentMethod}}</td>
<td (click)="openDialog(order)">{{order.orderTotal}}</td>
<td (click)="openDialog(order)">{{order.orderSubtotal}}</td>
<td (click)="openDialog(order)">{{order.orderTax}}</td>
<td (click)="populateForm(order)">{{order.orderShippingCharges}}</td>
Say suppose I have 10 orders already in my DB and inserting one more from the first component by filling up the form, I expect 11 orders in total on UI. But I am getting only 10. Without refreshing the whole page is there a solution for this as refreshing is gonna take much time.
Tried giving some delay in first component as shown as comments above but didn't help.
Here the problem is to fetch record before save so you need to subscribe to insert record method
this.insertRecord(form).subscribe(result=> {
}, err=> {});
So once you will get done with insert then raise event