While there is quite a lot of documentation and example for creating templates in XCode 3 converting them to XCode4 Templates is quite a nightmare...
First here is what i've found:
But all of them fail to answer this sample question:
How can someone create Folders Insider other Folders ?
For example if you want to have files inside a group you should write:
but how would you go for having Group1 inside Group2 for example.
I've tried many many things, playing with ancestors and all but nothing worked. Any piece of advice or any documentation (I couldn't find any on those XCode templates) would be greatly appreciated.
I've tried many times modify the TemplateInfo.plist
and I've also tried to make a sub group and put files in them. Finally I found the solution:
Definition section:
in the node section:
The code above will create groups parent and child. and the main.h is in the child