I have uploaded an Android TV app (minSdk = 21, compileSdk and targetSdk = 28) into Google Play. I already set the Category LEANBACK_LAUNCHER to my MainActivity and also applied successfully for Android TV App ("Price and distribution" section) on the Google Play Developer Console.
However, when searching for available Android TV devices I realized that it works on all the Android TV devices appearing on the console but my Xiaomi MiBox3 and Xiaomi MiBox4 are still not compatible with the application. On the Google Play Developer Console I am not able to find the "MiBox3" and "MiBox4" devices even when I research for all devices (however, I can see other Xiaomi MiBox devices like "MiBox3S" or "MiBox S" and they are compatible).They do not even appear in the device catalog of Google Play Developer Console (Release Management - Device Catalog - All Devices).
Why these two devices do not appear in the Google Play Console and when I try to search & install the application it says that is not compatible with them? Is any way to include them and have them support to be installed throught Google Play?
Is it possible these devices are not certified? Google Play Console only lists certified devices because these are the only devices with Google Play allowed on them, as they have been tested to work.