I have some code like this:
class A
void update()
and I'd like to draw it in plantuml.
I tried something like this:
autoactivate on
A -> A : update
A -> A : update1
A -> A : update2
then I got uml diagram like this:
I don't like the dotted lines (return message). but if I remove the return message, the message levels (hierarchy) will be messed up. they are not on the same level any more.
autoactivate on
A -> A : update
A -> A : update1
A -> A : update2
I want update1
and update2
to be on the same level.
Using autoactivate on the return are mandatory
Doing :
A -> A : update
activate A
A -> A : update1
activate A
deactivate A
A -> A : update2
activate A
deactivate A
the result is :
or replacing the last return by deactivate :
A -> A : update
activate A
A -> A : update1
activate A
deactivate A
A -> A : update2
activate A
deactivate A
deactivate A
Of course an other way is to use a UML modeler rather than a drawer