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Failure to geocode using the ggmap and Google Geocoding API in R; behind company firewall

I am attempting to geocode addresses in R using the geocode() function in the ggmap package. I have done this on my personal computer relatively easily and want to attempt this on my work computer. Generally, I am supposed to register with Google, library the ggmap package, read-in my security key, and then I can use the geocode() function. But I get errors. See below:

# Library package

# Set key file
gmAPI     <- "key_file.txt"

# Read-in Google API key
gmAPIKey  <- readLines(gmAPI)[1]

# Register key
register_google(key = gmAPIKey)

# Geocode Waco, TX
geocode("waco, texas", output = "latlona")

Instead of generating geocoded output, I receive:

Source :,+texas&key=xxx.txt
Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) : 
  Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out

or sometimes:

Source :,+texas&key=xxx.txt
Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) : 
  Failed to connect to url port ###: Connection refused

Note: I replaced the actual url/port posted in the error message with url port ### as I imagine this is specific to my computer.

I have a feeling this has to do with my work network. Similar questions have set some configuration using the httr package, but those solutions have not worked for me. It's possible I am entering the wrong information. Any help?


  • I have had a similar issue at my work, which I managed to solve adding one line of code with a function from the httr library indeed.

    I did:

    set_config(use_proxy(url="", port=****))

    Just insert the proxy through which a computer in your company's network connects to the internet and the port that needs to be opened. Commonly used web proxy server ports are 3128, 8080, 6588 and 80.

    Hope this helps!