I want to access particular json in ngOninit. So i have id on click in edit button and with the help of that id i am getting complete object from database like form name , form json which etc. So from the service i want to return that json to ngOninit.
Here is service.
GetFormById (id: number) {
return this.httpClient.get<FormTemplate[]>(this.API_URL +
"GetFormTemplate/" + id).subscribe(data => {
return data;
In console i am getting complete object from database which i have save.
Here is component
ngOnInit() {
const id = this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('id');
var json = this.dataService.GetFormById(+id);
like how can i get json in ngOnInit.
ngOnInit() {
const id = this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('id');
this.dataService.GetFormById(+id).subscribe(response => {
const temp = response['TemplateJson'];
var formData = '[{"type":"header","subtype":"h1","label":"Inquiry"},{"type":"paragraph","subtype":"p","label":"Paragraph content"},{"type":"text","label":"First name","name":"text - 1554220470561","value":"Vipul","subtype":"text"},{"type":"date","label":"Date Field","className":"form - control","name":"date - 1554220484446","value":"2019 - 04 - 25"},{"type":"button","label":"Send Inquiry","subtype":"button","className":"btn btn - primary","name":"button - 1554220480284","style":"primary"}]';
this.formBuilder = (<any>jQuery('.build-wrap')).formBuilder({ formData });
// Sample code to handle promise to get for data on page load directly
this.formBuilder.promise.then(formBuilder => {
like whatever json i got in temp i want to pass it in var formData.
This is not how you should subscribe from observables. You should read up the documentation/tutorial when it comes to handling asynchronous operations (such as HTTP requests). Meanwhile, this is how we can fix your issue.
On your service,
GetFormById (id: number) {
return this.httpClient.get<FormTemplate[]>(`${this.API_URL}GetFormTemplate/${id}`);
On your component.ts, we return the observable value by calling the subscribe()
ngOnInit() {
const id = this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('id');
this.dataService.GetFormById(id).subscribe(response => {
const templateObj = response.TempleteJson;