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Keybind that binds to every key in tkinter

I am creating an interactive game with Python, and I am trying to make an introduction with the instruction "Press any key to continue." I am having some difficulty with binding all the keys to a single action.

I have tried binding to '<Any>', but it displays an error message.

from tkinter import *

window = Tk()

root = Canvas(window, width=500, height=500)

def testing():
    print("Hello World!")

root.bind_all('<Any>', testing)


As mentioned before, the '<Any>' keybind results in an error message reading: tkinter.TclError: bad event type or keysym "Any". Is there a simple way to bind every key to an action?


  • I use <Key> it will capture any keyboard event and print "Hello". And don't forget to specify event or event=None parameter in testing() .

    from tkinter import *
    window = Tk()
    root = Canvas(window, width=500, height=500)
    def testing(event):
    def countdown(count, label):
        label['text'] = count
        if count > -1:
            root.after(1000, countdown, count-1, label)
        elif count == 0:
            label['text'] = 'Time Expired'
        elif count < 0:
    root.bind_all('<Key>', testing)