I'm trying to launch automatically a webradio on my html's file. Currently using autoplay fails, I assume the radio miss the time to load some data hence the autoplay just block. I have created a setTimeout function to handle that. Now the function refuses to launch on Firefox and Opera. The error log of Firefox is far most informative, here reproduced:
NotAllowedError: The play method is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context, possibly because the user denied permission
here my html's snippet:
<audio controls src="" autoplay id="myAudio">
Your browser does not support the
<code>audio</code> element.
<button onclick={goPlay()}>
// function goPlay(){
// console.log("in goplay")
setTimeout(() => {
var x = document.getElementById("myAudio");
// function playAudio() {
// }
How handle this situation?
Any hint would be great, thanks
The Firefox error is telling you exactly what's happening. The autoplay isn't working because the user (or more specifically, the browser - see here) is blocking it.
Any playback that happens before the user has interacted with a page via a mouse click, printable key press, or touch event, is deemed to be autoplay and will be blocked if it is potentially audible.