The context of my problem is, I want to create some unit tests to my application which executes some relational-specific code, so I can't use the standard .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: dbContextName)
I changed it to .UseSqlite("DataSource=:memory:")
instead in order to fix that.
But now I get:
SqliteException: SQLite Error 1: 'no such table: ControlGroup'.
How can I fix this?
You need to keep the connection open within your test scope and create the database.
public class Tests : IDisposable
private readonly SqliteConnection _connection;
private readonly DbContextOptions _options;
public Tests()
_connection = new SqliteConnection("datasource=:memory:");
_options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder()
using (var context = new MyContext(_options))
public void Dispose()
public void Test()
using (var context = new MyContext(_options))
// use in memory database
context.ControlGroup ...