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Python 3: Returning variable through multiple functions

I have been given a basic python problem that requires me to make a simple addition quiz. However, I cannot seem to return my count variable which is supposed to update the number of correct questions the user has answered, which makes it stuck at 0. I have tried defining the variable count in every function containing it as an argument but still does not work. Say if the user were to answer 4 questions and got 3 correct, it would display it as "You have answered 4 questions with 3 correct", but instead it displays "You have answered 4 questions with 0 correct".


  • Every time your check_solution and menu_optionfunctions get called, you initialize count = 0. This means every time the user requests another question, count gets reset to 0, twice. You're going to want to remove those count = 0 calls, and you also want to capture your updates to count within menu_option. Your final program should look something like this:

    import random
    def get_user_input():
        count = 0
        user_input = int(input("Enter 1 to play or press 5 to exit: "))
        while user_input > 5 or user_input <= 0:
            user_input = int(input("Invalid menu option. Try again: "))
            menu_option(user_input, count)
            if user_input == "5":
        return user_input
    def get_user_solution(problem):
        answer = int(input(problem))
        return answer
    def check_solution(user_solution, solution, count):
        curr_count = count
        if user_solution == solution:
            curr_count += 1
        return curr_count
    def menu_option(index, count):
        if index == 1:
            num1 = random.randrange(1, 21)
            num2 = random.randrange(1, 21)
            randsum = num1 + num2
            problem = str(num1) + " " + "+" + " " + str(num2) + " " + "=" + " "
            user_answer = get_user_solution(problem)
            count = check_solution(user_answer, randsum, count) # count returned by check_solution is now being captured by count, which will update your count variable to the correct value
        return count
    def display_result(total, correct):
        if total == 0:
            print("You answered 0 questions with 0 correct.")
            print("Your score is 0%. Thank you.")
            score = round((correct / total) * 100, 2)
            print("You answered", total, "questions with", correct, "correct.")
            print("Your score is", str(score) + "%.")
    def main():
        option = get_user_input()
        total = 0
        correct = 0
        while option != 5:
            total = total + 1
            correct = menu_option(option, correct)
            option = get_user_input()
        display_result(total, correct)