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How to get data from Junction Table using DB First Approach in MVC

I have Many to many Relationship between 2 tables and i want to retrieve data from junction table.

I'm sharing some source first

Image of Database tables:

Image of EF Model Entities:

Image of error when debug:

I am using following rules or strategies

+Database First Approach

+EF Diagram

+Custom Role Provider

Problem is that while I'm trying to retrieve data from Junction Table (user_has_role), I am getting SQL Query rather than Data.###

SQL Query which I get:

SELECT \r\n [Extent1].[user_id] AS [user_id], \r\n [Extent2].[user_role_name] AS [user_role_name]\r\n FROM [dbo].[user_has_role] AS [Extent1]\r\n INNER JOIN [dbo].[user_role] AS [Extent2] ON [Extent1].[user_role_id] = [Extent2].[user_role_id]

Here is some code

Role Provider Class is Derived From RoleProvider Class

public class AppRolesProvider : RoleProvider

All methods are override but working with only

public override string[] GetRolesForUser(string username)
            //get all user data from user table for id based on user email
            var _user = db.users.Where(u => u.user_email == username).FirstOrDefault();

           var _role = (from s in db.users
                         where (
                           from c in s.user_role
                           where s.user_id == _user.user_id
                           select c
                         select s).ToString();

            string[] roleName = { _role };   

            if (roleName != null)
                return roleName;
                roleName = null;
                return roleName;

I want actual roleName against user (one user have many roles or maybe one)


Updated db image

and try to retrieve data from junction table but getting this query

"SELECT \r\n [Extent1].[user_id] AS [user_id], \r\n [Extent2].[user_role_name] AS [user_role_name]\r\n FROM [dbo].[user_has_role] AS [Extent1]\r\n INNER JOIN [dbo].[user_role] AS [Extent2] ON [Extent1].[user_role_id] = [Extent2].[user_role_id]\r\n WHERE [Extent1].[user_id] = @p__linq__0"

not data

Here is my method to get role in string array

public override string[] GetRolesForUser(string username)
        //get all user data from user table for id based on user email
        int _user_id = Convert.ToInt32(db.users.Where(u => u.user_email == username).Select(i => i.user_id).FirstOrDefault());

        // Get role from user_has_role against user id
        var _roles = (from _uhr in db.user_has_role
                      join _r in db.user_role on _uhr.user_role_id equals _r.user_role_id
                      where _uhr.user_id == _user_id
                      select new

        // store selected
        string[] roleName = { _roles };  

        if (roleName != null)
            return roleName;
            roleName = null;
            return roleName;

output image in debug mode


EDMX Image


  • The junction table was not included by Entity Framework because it did not have a primary key. you fix this problem by adding a primary key to the junction table then update your Edmx file.

    After updating model, you can retrieve data from your junction table with a simple linq query.

    The difference between the two cases:

    1) if your junction table doesn't contain a primary key, EF will generate two class with many to many relation
    2) if your junction table contain a primary key, EF will generate 3 Class with: Junction table in one to many relation with user and one to many with user_role


    Try with this please :

    public override string[] GetRolesForUser(string username)
            //get all user data from user table for id based on user email
            int _user_id = Convert.ToInt32(db.users.Where(u => u.user_email == username).Select(i => i.user_id).FirstOrDefault());
            // Get role from user_has_role against user id
            var _role = db.user_has_role.Where(r => r.user_id == _user_id).Select(r => r.user_role.user_role_name);
            // store selected
            string[] roleName = _role.ToArray();
            if (roleName != null)
                return roleName;
                roleName = null;
                return roleName;