I get the Blocked by Play Protect message when I want to install my signed .apk file in any Android Devices. So I searched a lot about it and we all know the reason (apk is not publishing on Google Play Store) and the solution (Sign apk again or Fill the Play Protect Appeals Submission Form).
I tried to sign my apk many and many times. when I sign the apk again with new keystore it's working for 2 days. after that the message will come again.
but about the play protect appeals form. I can't understand why the google has a problem with my apk file. I filled this form many times with many links on various servers. but immediately after submit I'm getting this message on my inbox.
You recently submitted an appeal for an app with Google Play Protect.
The link you have provided does not lead to an APK file or the file is corrupted. Please submit a new appeal and check that you are providing the link to the correct APK file.
Thank You, Google Play Protect Team
So What should I do when Google can't read my apk file and keep saying that it's corrupted while it's working fine?!
Do we have anyone here who had this problem and get solved?
Does this problem happen again in future apps with the same keystore?
It seems a serious problem that Google made for Android developers!
Minimum Android Version is: Android 4.4 (API Level 19 - Kit Kat)
Target Android Version is: Android 8.1 (API Level 27 - Oreo)
Keystore Details:
Keystore Path: "C:\Users\farhad\AppData\Local\Xamarin\Mono for Android\Keystore\FarhadMa\FarhadMa.keystore" Alias name: FarhadMa Creation date: Dec 25, 2018 Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry Certificate chain length: 1 Certificate[1]: Owner: CN="Farhad Mahmoudvand, OU=Mobile Apps Developer, O=FarhadMa as Freelancer (farhadma.com), L=Tbilisi, S=Tbilisi, C=GE" Issuer: CN="Farhad Mahmoudvand, OU=Mobile Apps Developer, O=FarhadMa as Freelancer (farhadma.com), L=Tbilisi, S=Tbilisi, C=GE" Serial number: 1068ef74 Valid from: Tue Dec 25 01:31:53 GET 2018 until: Thu Dec 17 01:31:53 GET 2048 Certificate fingerprints: MD5: 82:7A:F5:96:43:09:56:E3:B7:5D:F4:8B:BD:A9:23:DD SHA1: D6:D4:6E:BA:78:8D:6F:A4:7D:C3:C8:2D:44:7F:D7:44:0C:7F:E4:83 SHA256: 95:65:9B:20:0C:92:36:3A:88:6D:62:B6:8B:96:8B:A1:C9:F6:95:51:7A:CD:F3:60:86:2F:58:D1:EB:A5:CF:2C Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA Version: 3
The best solution is just release an signed apk with correct data in sign file, then complete the google appeals form, and just be patient for 2 weeks even if you get some error message from Google after submitting the form. Your apk will works without blocked error and keep that sign file to use it for your next apps