i am a bit confused because of the version and tag handling of the open-liberty image. First: Whats the different between https://hub.docker.com/_/open-liberty and https://hub.docker.com/r/openliberty/open-liberty? Whats the right one?
I want to use a stable, not changing, version of the docker image for open-liberty.
At the moment i use this in my DOCKERFILE: FROM open-liberty:kernel
But I want to use a stable version and dont know were to find. If I look here: https://hub.docker.com/_/open-liberty?tab=description I only can see variants but no versions of open-liberty. I exspected something like that https://hub.docker.com/r/jboss/wildfly/tags
On Github (https://github.com/OpenLiberty/ci.docker/tree/master/official) I can see the changes on the DOCKERFILE. So at the moment I pull the image I will get the current "commit". So every developer in my team has a different version of this image.
At the moment we use something like that: FROM open-liberty:kernel@sha256:40fb5a0bdade0815d6e51be47b3f225551d645719da7b1029616334c429c8eb3
But that cant be the right solution. Can anybody explain me the reason why there are no stable tags on the open-liberty image?
Thanks for your support!
The differences between the Official vs Community version of Open Liberty are outlined in this link. Basically, the Community version (openliberty/open-liberty) predates the Official version (_/open-liberty), so now we keep it only for "extra" things like the daily images, a future home for sample app images, and Open Liberty images based on non-official images such as the current Java11 + OpenJ9 image.
In terms of versioning, you are right that currently using the SHA is the only approach, as discussed here. We're considering adding image tags, so would be good if you could add your vote / opinion in that GitHub issue.