I have grid x|y with coordinates -200|200, 400 height 400 long 0|0 in the middle. I need loop through all and every time when it finds something and it saves coordinates in a list[] or somewhere where I can filter all find coordinates.
thanks for any help
x = -200
y = -200
for yval in range(400):
for xval in range(400):
do something...
x += 1
y += 1
this not work for all grid
Do something like this. Both for loops iterate from x_low
to x_high
and y_low
to y_high
#Limits for iterating through the grid
x_low = -200
x_high = 201
y_low = -200
y_high = 201
#List to append your coordinates to, if condition is true
coords = []
for xval in range(x_low, x_high):
for yval in range(y_low, y_high):
if condition: