Has someone have experienced a weird behaviour of .git/hooks/pre-commit-msg? The file has proper permission in being executed. And actually it is executed. The issue is that the commits, any commits with correct or uncorrect messages, make the execution goes into the error. Always.
The correct message should be something like these examples:
where the first word after [test], or [fix], or [feat] is chosen between a set (like Added, Fixed, Upgraded..)
Working on OSX, with git, with zsh shell.
commit_message=$(cat .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG)
commit_error="Error in the commit message. Prefix with
JIRA ticket. For example UXD-1234/git-hook"
if [[ ! $commit_message =~ /([A-Z]+[-][\d]+\/\S+)/ ]]; then
echo >&2 $commit_error
exit 1
Is there an error in this code?
Thanks in advance
So here is the correct answer
Thanks to @jonrsharpe