My ADTF-Filter gets as input two double values and its output is a struct. The struct contains a few double values.
typedef struct {
double ValueX;
double ValueY;
double ValueZ;
} tStruct;
My problem:
I wanted to see my values in "Signal View" But I'm getting this error:
warning | 00:00:15:015 | Media Description Service: No Media Description found for struct type '' on pin 'Filter/ValueX/'. This pin will not be available in SignalView! | media_description_signal_provider.cpp(158) | 12736/8516 | C:\tools\ADTF\2.14.2\bin\adtf_devenv.exe | OK | No error | cMediaManager_plugin
What I have tried
I played around a bit with the MediaDescription Editor and tried to see how it is done in the examples given by adtf. But nothing is working so far.
The warning (no error) describes exactly what is missing: There is no Media Description set on the output pin you are using your structure.
I guess you are using something like this in your Init method:
m_oOutputPin.Create("output", cObjectPtr<IMediaType>(new cMediaType(0, 0)), static_cast<IPinEventSink*> (this));
So you have to extend the media type creation with your struct:
m_oOutputPin.Create("output", cObjectPtr<IMediaType>(new cMediaType(0, 0, 0, "tStruct")), static_cast<IPinEventSink*> (this));
Then it will be set and also generated from your structure.
Have also a look at the demo https://support.digitalwerk.net/adtf/v2/adtf_sdk_html_docs/page_demo_media_desc_coder.html and structure tSimpleStruct_BE for example