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ADTF no mediadescription for struct type " error


My ADTF-Filter gets as input two double values and its output is a struct. The struct contains a few double values.

typedef struct {
    double ValueX; 
    double ValueY; 
    double ValueZ; 
} tStruct;

My problem:

I wanted to see my values in "Signal View" But I'm getting this error:

warning | 00:00:15:015 | Media Description Service: No Media Description found for struct type '' on pin 'Filter/ValueX/'. This pin will not be available in SignalView! | media_description_signal_provider.cpp(158) | 12736/8516 | C:\tools\ADTF\2.14.2\bin\adtf_devenv.exe | OK | No error | cMediaManager_plugin

What I have tried

I played around a bit with the MediaDescription Editor and tried to see how it is done in the examples given by adtf. But nothing is working so far.


  • The warning (no error) describes exactly what is missing: There is no Media Description set on the output pin you are using your structure.

    I guess you are using something like this in your Init method:

    m_oOutputPin.Create("output", cObjectPtr<IMediaType>(new cMediaType(0, 0)), static_cast<IPinEventSink*> (this));

    So you have to extend the media type creation with your struct:

    m_oOutputPin.Create("output", cObjectPtr<IMediaType>(new cMediaType(0, 0, 0, "tStruct")), static_cast<IPinEventSink*> (this));

    Then it will be set and also generated from your structure.

    Have also a look at the demo and structure tSimpleStruct_BE for example