I have a key and multiple value pairs.how to display the values.
def empData=[[dob:01/10/1970, qualifications:[java:[5/6, 7]],name:'T1'],
println("emp dob:"+item.dob);
String[] qualifications = item.qualifications.get("java");
println("qualification is:"+qualifications[0]);
println("qualification is:"+qualifications[1]);
println("emp name is:"+name);
I want the output to be as below:
// first record
second record
Throws an error null pointer exception.
As mentioned in the other answers, there are issues with your code which seem to indicate that it would be useful for you to spend a little more time with the groovy documentation. With that being said, it is sometimes useful with a working example.
The below code:
def employees=[[dob: '01/10/1970',
name: 'T1',
qualifications: [java: ['5 years', '15 projects'],
python: ['Senior Developer']]],
[dob: '01/02/1981',
name: 'T2',
qualifications: [dba: ['Professional','Specialist']]]]
employees.indexed().each { idx, employee ->
println " Employee: ${employee.name}"
println " dob: ${employee.dob}"
employee.qualifications.each { field, qualifications ->
println " ${field} - ${qualifications.join(', ')}"
prints out:
Employee: T1
dob: 01/10/1970
java - 5 years, 15 projects
python - Senior Developer
Employee: T2
dob: 01/02/1981
dba - Professional, Specialist
when run. The formatting is not exactly what you specified, but at least you can get a feel for how nested iteration can be done. The data in your example is broken to a point where it is hard to know exactly what you intended. I formatted the data in a way I assume is in line with your intent.