I have a legacy code in C++ (which would be a huge pain to edit) and I need to use it in Python 2 for speed reasons.
I have two classes. One is responsible for loading huge amount of data from memory, in a form of std::string
and converting it to internal representation MiddleClass
. Second one is converting it from internal representation MiddleClass
back to std::string
class Load {
Load(const std::string & data) { ... };
MiddleClass load() { ... };
class Save {
Save(std::string & data) { .... };
void save(const MiddleClass & middleclass) { ... };
My goal is, to use this setup in Python 2 like this:
import datahandler # my lib
import requests
request = request.get("url-to-data")
loader = datahandler.Load(request.content) # my C++ class Load
internal_representation = loader.load()
result_variable = str() # or None or something not important
saver = datahandler.Save(result_variable) # my C++ class Save
How can I achieve this?
I've run into trouble, right from the start.
Simple variant:
// some .defs - not important
class <Load>("Load", init<const std::string &>())
.def("load". &Load::load);
class <Save>("Save", init<std::string &>())
.def("save". &Save::save);
Will compile, no worries, but data which are loaded are somehow mangled, which leads me to thinking, that I am doing it terribly wrongly.
Also I found this bit offtopic SO question, which told me, that I can't have std::string &
, because Python strings are immutable.
So conclusion: I have no idea what to do now :( Can anyone here help me? Thanks.
So, I have found a solution. Prove me wrong, but I think, that what am I trying to achieve is impossible.
Python has immutable strings, so passing a "reference" of string to function and expecting ability to change it from inside a function is simply not valid.
Take this code as an example:
variable = "Hello"
def changer(var):
var = "Bye"
Prints "Hello". In Python, you can't make it work differently. (although to be exact, it is still being passed as a reference, but when you modify Python string, you just create a new one and a new reference).
So, how to get arround this?
Simple! Create a C++ wrapper, that will handle passing reference on std::string
and return copy of resulting string. Not very effective, but you probably can't make it better.
Sample code of SaveWrapper
class SaveWrapper {
// some constructor
std::string save(MiddleClass & value) {
std::string result;
Save saver(result);
return result;
Which can be easily "ported" to Python!