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RabbitTemplate and ReplyTimeOut

I have a project where I set a timeout of 5 seconds (getRabbitTemplate (). SetReplyTimeout (5000)) and I use the sendAndReceive method to send the messages:getXbidRabbitTemplate () SendAndReceive (exchange, routingkey, msg).
Today there was an error in the connection


but there has not been a TimeOut in two shipments. The first shipment occurred at 09-04-2019 07: 25: 33.980; and the second at 09-04-2019 07: 25: 36.902;

I have not received an answer (or any error) and shortly after the connection error has jumped (at 09-04-2019 07: 25: 52.939)

Other times, we have detected a TimeOut error, and the only configuration change is that we have removed the retryTemplate from the RabbitTemplate configuration.

This is how we detect the TimeOut:

mResponse = getRabbitTemplate().sendAndReceive(exchange, routingkey, msg);
if(mResponse == null)
      //    TIMEOUT

I expected that if no answer is obtained in those 5 seconds, I would enter the TIMEOUT part. Is it possible that if the connection is dropped and the message does not reach the server, that TIMEOUT will not occur?


  • The timeout has nothing to do with any rabbit communication, the calling thread simply calls get(timeout, TimeUnitMilliseconds) on a future. When the reply is receieved (on another thread), it completes the future and the get() returns that result. If no reply is received, the get() times out.

    I don't see any way that the thread can never time out.