Search code examples

Using LAG function to produce entries for Customer

I have the below setup which is just used to explain the problem

Here Car is the default vehicle bought if no other vehicle is bought

The logic is if there is a bulk payment then it should be split across the vehicles under Debit Customer

The actual transaction happens like the below

bought date              Bought   Credit_Acc  Debit Customer  paid_date
-----------              ------   ----------  --------------  ----------
 1-jan-2019              Bike      10k         0             03-Jan-2019
 2-jan-2019              cycle     20k         0             03-Jan-2019
 3-jan-2019              Car       30k        60k            03-Jan-2019

But the Customer wants the financial report to be like the below

 bought date             Bought   Credit_Acc  Debit Customer  paid_date
-----------              ------   ----------  --------------  ----------
 1-jan-2019              Bike      10k         10k             03-Jan-2019
 2-jan-2019              cycle     20k         20k             03-Jan-2019
 3-jan-2019              Car       30k         30k             03-Jan-2019

Also sometimes if he pays the only 15k which is recorded under Debit Customer for 03-jan-2019 bought date then the report should be

 bought date             Bought   Credit_Acc  Debit Customer      paid_date
-----------              ------   ----------  --------------  ----------
 1-jan-2019              Bike      10k         10k                 03-Jan-2019        
 2-jan-2019              cycle     20k         5k                  03-Jan-2019    
 3-jan-2019              Car       30k         0(15k actual data)  03-Jan-2019            

So after this 15k payment, another 15k payment is done on 04-Jan-2019 then 30k is recorded in Debit Customer base table but the report should show the below

 bought date             Bought   Credit_Acc  Debit Customer      paid_date
-----------              ------   ----------  --------------  ----------
 1-jan-2019              Bike      10k         10k                04-Jan-2019        
 2-jan-2019              cycle     20k         20k                04-Jan-2019
 3-jan-2019              Car       30k         0(30k actual data) 04-Jan-2019            

Then after this payment, another 30k is made on 05-Jan-2019 then 60k is recorded under Debit Customer base table but the report should show the below

 bought date             Bought   Credit_Acc  Debit Customer        paid_date
-----------              ------   ----------  --------------  ----------     
 1-jan-2019              Bike      10k         10k                 05-Jan-2019        
 2-jan-2019              cycle     20k         20k                 05-Jan-2019
 3-jan-2019              Car       30k         30k(60k actual data)05-Jan-2019            


VALUE DATE (bought date/paid date)  
ITEM (Bought)  
Debit_Entry (Debit Customer) 
Credit_Entry (Credit_Acc)


  • It's hard to tell from your question as the base table data still isn't shown, but it looks like you want something like:

    select value_date, item, credit_entry, item_paid
    from (
      select value_date, item, credit_entry, debit_entry,
        greatest(0, least(credit_entry, nvl(sum(debit_entry) over (), 0)
          - nvl(sum(credit_entry) over (order by value_date
              rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding), 0))) as item_paid
      from your_table
    where item is not null;


    For each row in the table, it sums up the total debit amount, and subtracts the total of the credit amounts up to (but not including) that row's. If that total payment is greater that the current row's credit then the credit value is used as-is; if it's negative (because the current item hasn't been paid off at all) then zero is used instead; otherwise the calculated value is used, which is the amount of that item's credit that has been paid off - after all previous items have been considered.