I'm designing a webpage for my non-profit association, and to make things easier I buyed a bootstrap theme template (Leap Bootstrap Theme).
In the main folder of my project, I have the following folders:
Inside the '/scss' folder, in order to modify the color scheme of the theme, to set the colors I want, I have to modify the file '/scss/user-variables.css' in that way:
// user-variables.scss
// Place your own variable overrides here, these will override any Bootstrap and theme variables.
// Color Scheme
// Uncomment the variables below and change the hex values.
$primary: #3D3B3C;
$primary-2: #FDFDB7;
$primary-3: #3D3B3C;
// Do not change or remove the $theme-color-scheme or $theme-colors maps below
$theme-color-scheme: (
"primary": $primary,
"primary-2": $primary-2,
"primary-3": $primary-3
$theme-colors: (
"primary": $primary,
"primary-2": $primary-2,
"primary-3": $primary-3,
The 'index.html' file is inside the '/pages' folder, with other folders (css, js, img, fonts, ...).
When I'm making these changes with gulp and browsersync, it is showed the rightful color scheme that I want (as I coded into the user-variables.css file).
The problem is when I upload the files into the web hosting server. When I access to the website, I still see the original color scheme of the bootstrap theme instead of the colours I set. What is corious, is some external users view the rightful colours.
Inside the 'public' folder I only upload the 'index.html' file and the '/assets' folder. Do I have to upload that 'user-variables.css' file, and where?
Could you help me with that problem? Sorry, but I'm new in this world.
For my part, your site is illuminated black. Maties Alzina Soler wants to tell you to clear your cache, I suppose. To do this, press SHIFT + F5 or Ctrl + F5 on your site.