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eti default value on entity

Is it possible to change the default value or a field in an eti without messing up the production database? There is a drop down that defaults to other that I would like to default to another value in the dropdown. I don't want to mess up the database though. Is there another way to set the default value on the drop down besides the eti file it's self?


  • Why would you mess the DB?

    Default value in SQL actually sets this value for the fields that are NULL during input. This shouldn't require a DB drop and shouldn't break anything.

    As for changing this. If that's not OOTB entity, you should be able to do that in .eti.

    As to your use case - what are the values in the drop down? I would assume that's a typelist, and that's what you really should modify (look for priorities there).

    EDIT To override a column for example for OOTB entity User.eti

    • Open User.etx or create it if it doesn't exists. modules\configuration\config\extensions\entity\User.etx.

    • Right click on a column that you would like to override - ExternalUser in your case. Pick override.

    • at the top of the list a column-override should be created - change the default value there.