I am using Promise Kit in my app. I am new to promise kit. I need to know actually how this closure works. So if anyone can explain the thing with example that would be very helpful.
Problem i am facing is, though i am returning the expected value, i am getting an error stating Cannot convert return expression of type....
I think maybe i understood the whole thing wrong here.
This is how i am using promise chains.
Glyph().glyphs(book: self.downloadingBook!._id)
.then { glyphs -> Promise<[Glyph]> in
self.setProgress(progress: 0.07)
return Glyph().saveGlyphs(data: glyphs)
}.then { lines -> Promise<[Line]> in
self.setProgress(progress: 0.14)
return Line().lines(book: self.downloadingBook._id)
}.then { lines -> Promise<[Line]> in
self.setProgress(progress: 0.21)
return Line().saveLines(data: lines)
}.then { surahs -> Promise<[SurahGlyph]> in
self.setProgress(progress: 0.28)
return SurahGlyph().surahs(book: self.downloadingBook._id)
}.then { surahs -> Promise<[SurahGlyph]> in
self.setProgress(progress: 0.35)
return SurahGlyph().saveSurahGlyphs(data: surahs)
}.then { surahs -> Promise<[SurahGlyph]> in
self.setProgress(progress: 0.42)
return Translator().translators()
}.then { data -> Promise<[Translator]> in
self.setProgress(progress: 0.49)
return Translator().saveTranslators(translators: data)
}.then { data -> Promise<[Translator]> in
self.setProgress(progress: 0.56)
return Surah().getSurahs(translatorId: "ar.tazweed")
}.then { surahs -> Promise<[Surah]> in
self.setProgress(progress: 0.63)
return Surah().saveSurahs(surahs: surahs)
}.then { surahs -> Promise<[Surah]> in
self.setProgress(progress: 0.70)
Ayah().ayahs(page: 1)
}.then { ayahs -> Promise<[Ayah]> in
self.setProgress(progress: 0.77)
Ayah().saveAyahs(ayahs: ayahs)
return Promise.value(ayahs)
}.done { _ in
self.setProgress(progress: 1)
self.statusLabel.text = "Completed"
}.catch { error in
This is how i am returning from my functions:
func translators() -> Promise<[Translator]> {
do {
let realm = try Realm()
let translatorsInRealm = realm.objects(Translator.self)
if translatorsInRealm.count != 0 {
} else {
return Promise<[Translator]> { seal in
let handler = RequestHandler()
let session = RequestHandler.alamofireManager
session.request(API.Quran.translatorsURL, method: .get, parameters: nil,
encoding: URLEncoding.default, headers: nil,
interceptor: handler).validate().response { (response) in
if response.result.isSuccess {
do {
let linesFromServer = try JSONDecoder().decode([Translator].self, from: response.data!)
} catch {
} else {
} catch {
print("Unexpected error: \(error).")
return Promise.value([])
Errors i am getting
There are mismatch in the promise value types. The corrected chain will look like this,
Glyph().glyphs(book: self.downloadingBook!._id)
.then { glyphs -> Promise<[Glyph]> in
self.setProgress(progress: 0.07)
return Glyph().saveGlyphs(data: glyphs)
}.then { lines -> Promise<[Line]> in
self.setProgress(progress: 0.14)
return Line().lines(book: self.downloadingBook._id)
}.then { lines -> Promise<[Line]> in
self.setProgress(progress: 0.21)
return Line().saveLines(data: lines)
}.then { surahs -> Promise<[SurahGlyph]> in
self.setProgress(progress: 0.28)
return SurahGlyph().surahs(book: self.downloadingBook._id)
}.then { surahs -> Promise<[SurahGlyph]> in
self.setProgress(progress: 0.35)
return SurahGlyph().saveSurahGlyphs(data: surahs)
}.then { surahs -> Promise<[Translator]> in
self.setProgress(progress: 0.42)
return Translator().translators()
}.then { data -> Promise<[Translator]> in
self.setProgress(progress: 0.49)
return Translator().saveTranslators(translators: data)
}.then { data -> Promise<[Surah]> in
self.setProgress(progress: 0.56)
return Surah().getSurahs(translatorId: "ar.tazweed")
}.then { surahs -> Promise<[Surah]> in
self.setProgress(progress: 0.63)
return Surah().saveSurahs(surahs: surahs)
}.then { surahs -> Promise<[Ayah]> in
self.setProgress(progress: 0.70)
return Ayah().ayahs(page: 1)
}.then { ayahs -> Promise<[Ayah]> in
self.setProgress(progress: 0.77)
Ayah().saveAyahs(ayahs: ayahs)
return Promise.value(ayahs)
}.done { _ in
self.setProgress(progress: 1)
self.statusLabel.text = "Completed"
}.catch { error in