I'm having difficulty even beginning to solve this problem. All examples that I have found are either too simple or way too complex to digest.
I want to to find the value S
given a series of inputs. The function is univariate but non-linear. S
will always be between -3 .. 3.
I would like to use the Apache Commons library, as I have had prior experience in other sections of that code.
For each time I want to solve my problem, I know the following information:
double R =250.0;
double om1 = 5.0;
double om2 = 15.0;
double th21 = 29.07965;
double th22 = 29.69008;
double D_obs = th21 - th22;
The actual values will change between solutions, but they are fixed for any one particular solution.
The value I want to find is:
double S = 0.0;
such that
double d1 = delta(R,om1,th21,S);
double d2 = delta(R,om2,th22,S);
double D_calc = d1 - d2;
have values to make
double minme = Math.abs(D_obs - D_calc);
a minimum, or alternately, solve
double minme = D_obs - D_calc;
where minme=0
The function delta
is defined as
public static double delta(double R, double om, double th2, double s)
if(Math.abs(s) <= 0.0001) //is the displacement == 0?
return 0.0;
return Math.toDegrees((-1*Cos(th2)*s-R*Sin(om)+Sqrt(-1*Math.pow(Cos(th2),2)*Math.pow(s,2)+2*Cos(th2)*Sin(om)*R*s-Math.pow(Cos(om),2)*Math.pow(R,2)+Math.pow(R,2)+2*Math.pow(s,2)))/(Sin(th2)*s));
where, for example, Cos
is defined elsewhere as Math.cos(Math.toRadians(val))
Where/what can I read/do to get a start on this problem?
I found an answer I could work with: Newton-Raphson method using the Math.Commons library
The key code is
public static void main(String args[])
//setup all variables
final double R =(new Double(args[0])).doubleValue(); //=250.0;
final double om1 =(new Double(args[1])).doubleValue(); //= 5.0;
final double om2 =(new Double(args[2])).doubleValue(); //= 15.0;
final double th21=(new Double(args[3])).doubleValue(); //= 29.07965;
final double th22=(new Double(args[4])).doubleValue(); //= 29.69008;
final double D_obs = th21 - th22;
BisectionSolver solver = new BisectionSolver();
UnivariateFunction f = new UnivariateFunction()
public double value(double s) {
return ((delta(R,om1,th21,s)-delta(R,om2,th22,s)) - (D_obs));
System.out.printf("The speciment offset is %.3f mm.\n", solver.solve(1000, f, -3, 3));