I have a form that posts to a script via ajax, the script inserts the form data into a database and using ajax i the refresh the div on the original page which then shows the form as well as a list of records in the database (from the form input)
I hope that makes sense.
My issue is that sometimes, maybe 1 time in 20, the div refreshes too quickly and doesn't pick up on the new data if i refresh the page its there and if i submit a new record both records are then in the list.
I guess i just need to delay the refreshing but i don't know how.
echo '<div id="cuttingListDiv">';
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `cuttingList` WHERE jobRef = '".$_SESSION["jobRef"]."' ORDER BY pieceMaterialName, pieceThickness ASC";
$results = $dbconn->query($sql);
if ($results->num_rows > 0) {
echo '<h3>Cutting List:</h3>';
echo '<div align="center">';
while($row = $results->fetch_assoc()) {
echo '<br />';
echo '<div class="row">';
echo '<div class="col" align="center">';
echo '<h5>'.$row["pieceMaterialName"] . ' - ' . $row["pieceLength"] . ' x ' . $row["pieceWidth"] . ' x ' . $row["pieceThickness"] . 'mm</h5>';
echo '<br />';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
ajax script
include '_script_sqlConnection.php';
$pieceLength = strip_tags($_POST['pieceLength']);
$pieceWidth = strip_tags($_POST['pieceWidth']);
$thickness = strip_tags($_POST['thickness']);
$material = strip_tags($_POST['material']);
$materialName = strip_tags($_POST['materialName']);
$sheetID = strip_tags($_POST['sheetID']);
// Swap width & length id width bigger
if ($pieceWidth > $pieceLength) {
$tmpDimm = $pieceLength;
$pieceLength = $pieceWidth;
$pieceWidth = $tmpDimm;
$sql = "INSERT INTO `cuttingList`(`orderRef`, `pieceMaterialName`, `pieceThickness`, `pieceLength`, `pieceWidth`, `sheetID`, `pieceWeight`, `qty`) VALUES ('".$_SESSION["quoteRef"]."', '".$materialName."', '".$thickness."', '".$pieceLength."', '".$pieceWidth."', '".$sheetID."', '".$pieceWeight."', '1')";
if ($dbconn->query($sql) === FALSE) {
echo "Error Adding Pieces To Cut List.<br />";
type: "POST",
url: "_script_ajax_addToCuttingList.php",
data: $('form.cuttingListForm').serialize(),
success: function() {
$("#cuttingListDiv").load(location.href + " #cuttingListDiv");
Thanks for you help but i went a different way as i was still having trouble with both of these methods.
At the very top of the div that refreshes I used the php sleep command to wait 1 second, now it works perfectly.