I am new to Ax,I am doing an customization on form.When I click on show more fields I want to show three more fields on form which are hiding(FieldC,FieldD,FieldF).Please tell me how to achieve this Functionality.
You can check an example in form VendTable > Design > MainTab > TabPageDetails > Tab > TabGeneral > HideShowGroup.
It contains two elements: a combobox (HideShowComboBox) and a button (HideShowButton).
By default, the button has following properties:
The button also has method clicked
responsible for hiding/showing the fields that need to be hidden/displayed and for changing its own look (Text, HelpText, NormalImage = 7882, etc.)
Please note that this logic is managed in class DirPartyFormHandler
- you can set breakpoints there and debug the process to understand this functionality better.