I'd like to generate a great amount of different mails by the use of Antaris RazorEngine. Is there a possibility to include script and style bundles to the layout? We build those bundles dynamically together, so they include many different .css/.js-files.
In our non-e-mail layouts we always include them like that:
@Styles.Render("~/bundles/" + theme + "/styles")
@RenderSection("scripts", false)
I don't want to use inline-styling, as this would stretch each view extremely and would be hard to maintain.
I tried to google this issue, but I haven't found, what I was searching for.
Could anyone explain, how to do this and if it doesn't work like I actually need it, explain why and how to do it in an other way?
Well, since no one could answer it, I used Premailer to move my .less files (or the .css generated out of it) inline. Works for me, even it's not exactly what I wanted.
string viewString = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(viewPath); // view to string
string cssSiteString = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(cssSitePath); // css-file to string
Engine.Razor.AddTemplate(nameoftemplate, viewString);
var result = Engine.Razor.Run(viewPath, null, model, viewBag);
var pm = new PreMailer.Net.PreMailer(result);
var completeMail = pm.MoveCssInline(css: cssSiteString); // this line moves the css inline