I'm using Picasso in my application to load image from url and it's working fine until I decided to move all of my images into my Asp.net Core Web API server.
At first I wasn't able to access the url because I forgot to enable serving static files on my server. Followed this information I was able to access the image.
And now Picasso just can't load the image, I tried to imlement onError
Callback and see what the error message was and it was HTTP 404
My code :
.placeholder( R.drawable.progress_animation )
Is there any configuration needed on my server for picasso to access the image?
FIY : I'am able to access the image via browser, no login or authentication required
I just tried your image url to load in Image View using Picasso and its loading successfully.
I tried below code:
Picasso.get().load("your_image_url").into(img_user_profile, new Callback() {
public void onSuccess() {
Log.w("Image Load", "Success");
public void onError(Exception e) {
Log.w("Image Load", "Failed");
If possible can you please share your bit code where you are loading image using Picasso?
Thank you