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Cannot see Hadoop UI which is running inside docker container, in browser

I have a Hadoop cluster of three containers on three different hosts; the details are in following: First, I install "weave net" in my three hosts (,, via this command:

 sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/weave
 sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/weave
 eval $(weave env)

Then I connected three host together via weave. In fact, I ran this command in three hosts:

For example in

 Weave launch

After connecting three hosts together, I had to make SSH passwordless between Master and Workers. Therefore, I did there works: In each host:

 ssh-keygen -t rsa

In master:

 ssh-copy-id spark@
 ssh-copy-id spark@
 cat /home/user/.ssh/ >> /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys

As a result of that, I could run SSH without password from master host to slaves.

In each host, I built my Docker file which had configuration for hadoop then I ran that:

In Master:

 docker run -v /home/user/.ssh:/root/.ssh --privileged -p 52222:22 
 -e WEAVE_CIDR= -ti my-hadoop

In slave1:

 docker run -v /home/user/.ssh:/root/.ssh --privileged -p 52222:22 
 -e WEAVE_CIDR= -ti my-hadoop

In slave2:

 docker run -v /home/user/.ssh:/root/.ssh --privileged -p 52222:22 
 -e WEAVE_CIDR= -ti my-hadoop

In each container, I ran these commands:

 chmod 700 ~/.ssh/
 chmod 600 ~/.ssh/*
 chown -R root ~/.ssh/
 chgrp -R root ~/.ssh/
 chmod -R 750 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

In master container, I ran this command to run SSH localhost:

 ssh-keygen -f "/root/.ssh/known_hosts" -R localhost

Also, I started SSH service in each container node:

 service ssh restart

So, I could run SSH from master container to slaves without password. For hadoop configuration, I did these works: First in master node:

  hadoop namenode -format

workers had these contents in three contaiers:


core-site.xml had this contents in three containers:


hdfs-site.xml had these contents in three containers too:


Then I ran this in master container:


When I ran jps in each container, I received these results: In Master container:

   483 SecondaryNameNode
   231 NameNode
   747 Jps

In each Worker:

   117 DataNode
   186 Jps

The problem is, I want to see Hadoop UI in browser. I run this URL, but it does not show anything:

By the way, I have already exposed these ports in docker file:

    EXPOSE 22 9000 8088 50070 50075 50030 50060

Would you please tell me how I can see Hadoop cluster UI in browser?

Any help would be appreciated.


  • I could see datanodes in browser by adding these lines in hdfs-site.xml.


    Hope it was helpful.