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SMBus v1.1 voltage threshhold value

I am planning to use PIC18F26K83 and communicate with a smart battery that uses SMBus ver 1.1. So from the datasheet of PIC it says I need to choose appropriate input threshhold for SMBus from RxyI2C register. Bit 0 and 1 are being used for choosing that threshold but there is no information for SMBus ver 1.1 (See below.).

TH<1:0>: I2C Input Threshold Selection bits

11 = SMBus 3.0 (1.35 V) input threshold

10 = SMBus 2.0 (2.1 V) input threshold

01 = I2C specific input thresholds

00 = Standard GPIO Input pull-up, enabled via INLVLxy registers

And over the internet I couldn't find input threshold for SMBus v1.1. So my question is:

What is the input threshold voltage for SMBus v1.1? Or how should I set related bits in order to use SMBus v1.1 from RxyI2C register?


  • The datasheet of the IC PIC18F26K83. States that the IC supports SMBus v2.0 and v3.0. Comparing SMBus v2.0 and v1.1, there are some differences regarding voltage's, but the electrical differences on SMBus v1.1 and v2.0 should be close enough to work together. As for backwardscompatibility, pay attention to the pull-up resistance for SMBus v1.1. Recommended Pull-up restitance of SMBus v2.0 is close to standard I2C and will therefore not work on SMBus v1.1.

    Using the Microcontroller in configuration for SMBus 2.0 with pull-up resistance compatible with SMBus v1.1 should therefore work fine.

    Following you have Link's to the documentation I've used to implement SMBus v1.1.

    Smart batteryData

    SMBus datasheet for each version of SMBus

    ReadThis <- Implementing the SMBus Interface