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Azure Data Movement no longer works

Just upgraded several Azure libraries and now Azure Data Movement (E.g. TransferManager) no longer works.

Appears as though that package isn't using the latest changes from Microsoft.


  • Update 5/9:

    this issue is fixed on the latest version 0.11.0

    This is due to the changes in the latest version 10.0.0 of Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob or Microsoft.Azure.Storage.File.

    You can nav to the project site of Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob, now the namespace is changing to Microsoft.Azure.Storage.* (for blob, it's Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob):

    enter image description here

    But in Data Movement library, the method TransferManager.UploadAsync(myfile, destBlob) is still refer to the type Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudBlob , which is now not available in v10.0.0 of Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob.

    enter image description here

    So in Data Movement library -> TransferManager.UploadAsync(), the parameter should be changed to Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob.CloudBlob. Then it can work well.

    I see you have submitted an issue, and the team will fix the issue in Data Movement library soon.

    As of now, you can use the lower version of Blob or File, and wait for the fix release(I also submit a bug for this issue).

    Hope it helps.