I'm trying to find out which side an entity is hit
46-135 - right side
136-225 - back side
226-315 - left side
316-360 and 0-45 - front side
https://i.ibb.co/hKz5n9z/Help.png (Can't post images but this is what i want)
I know the angle the entity is facing and the angle of the projectile when it hits the entity
I've tried things like:
Math.abs(entityRotation - attackRotation) % 360;
Math.abs(180 - entityRotation - attackRotation) % 360; etc.
But I cant seem to find an equation that works for all angles.
If that's not possible I can use two different equations for when one angle is greater than the other.
Thank you :)
If projectile always is directed to the circle center, try the next approach
(Python code, uses integer division //
result here
print("targdir", " attackdir", "side")
sides = ["front", "right", "back", "left"]
for target in range(0, 361, 45):
for attack in range(0, 361, 45):
side = ((attack - target + 585) % 360) // 90
print(target, attack, sides[side])