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How to include an external code generator in CMake?

I've been looking into CMake trying to understand it. From what I understand its really good in combining C++ packages.

However, I don't see how to include code generators into it. With GNU Makefiles, I would write a simple rule:

%.h: %.fbs
    flatc ... $< -o $@

How do I write this same rule in CMake?


  • Unlike to Make, CMake has neither pattern rules nor automatic variables which are expanded according to the current target or the command.

    Instead, CMake allows to define a function or a macro, which encapsulates creation of a target or a command with corresponded content.

    Your command can be wrapped into the following function:

    function(add_fbs_header name)
      add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${name}.h
        COMMAND flatc ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${name}.fbs -o ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${name}.h
    endfunction(add_fbs_header name)

    with fillowing usage:

    # equivalent to
    #   flatc <source_dir>/foo.fbs -o <binary_dir>/foo.h
    # with proper dependencies and output.

    BTW, a functionality for generate headers files using flatbuffers is already provided in FindFlatBuffers.cmake script, which comes with FlatBuffers package.

    For include FindXXX.cmake script, use find_package(XXX).

    Command, created with add_custom_command, will be executed only when some target (or other command) depends on the command's OUTPUT. E.g. in the given way:

    add_executable(my_exe my.cpp foo.h)