I am trying to fetch data from the Storm Glass API. I am using their template Fetch request (https://docs.stormglass.io/?javascript#point-request).
When I run the script the console reads out "Promise { <pending> }
" indefinitely. So, the request is not returning a value but I can't work out why. Any ideas?
I have replaced my API key with <My API key>
const http = require('http')
const fetch = require('isomorphic-fetch');
http.createServer((req, res) => {
////////////////////////////////////////////////App code
const lat = 58.7984;
const lng = 17.8081;
const params = 'waveHeight,airTemperature';
fetch(`https://api.stormglass.io/point?lat=${lat}&lng=${lng}¶ms=${params}`, {
headers: {
'Authorization': '<My API key>'
}).then(function(response) {
// Do something with response data.
const jsonData = response.json();
console.log("service running on http://localhost:3000");
The response.json
function return a Promise, not the deserialized object. Your code should read:
fetch(`https://api.stormglass.io/point?lat=${lat}&lng=${lng}¶ms=${params}`, {
headers: {
'Authorization': '<My API key>'
.then(response => response.json())
.then(function(jsonData) {
// Do something with response data