Search code examples

Groovy collect nested elements along with outer element

Using Groovy, requirement is to collect a map's nested element values, along with its top-level element value.

Unsure if a recursive method is needed.

Sample JSON

"items": [
      "attribute": "Type",
            "label": "Type1",
            "value": "1"
            "label": "Type2",
            "value": "2"

      "attribute": "Size",
      "options":       [
            "label": "SizeA",
            "value": "A"
            "label": "SizeB",
            "value": "B"

Expected output after collect



  • You can solve this combining multiple lists of options obtained through the collect method using a collectMany.

    See the following snippet of code:

    def input = """
      "items": [
          "attribute": "Type",
          "options": [
               "label": "Type1",
               "value": "1"
               "label": "Type2",
               "value": "2"
         "attribute": "Size",
         "options": [
                "label": "SizeA",
                "value": "A"
                "label": "SizeB",
                "value": "B"
      } ]
    def json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(input)
    /* collectMany directly flatten the two sublists 
     * [ [ [ type1 ], [ type2 ] ], [ [ sizeA ], [ sizeB ] ] ]
     * into
     * [ [type1], [type2], [sizeA], [sizeB] ]
    def result = json.items.collectMany { item ->
        // collect returns a list of N (in this example, N=2) elements 
        // [ [ attribute1: ..., label1: ..., value1: ... ],
        //   [ attribute2: ..., label2: ..., value2: ... ] ]
        item.options.collect { option ->
            // return in [ attribute: ..., label: ..., value: ... ]
            [ attribute: item.attribute ] + option
    assert result == [
        [ attribute: "Type", label: "Type1", value: "1" ],
        [ attribute: "Type", label: "Type2", value: "2" ],
        [ attribute: "Size", label: "SizeA", value: "A" ],
        [ attribute: "Size", label: "SizeB", value: "B" ],