I'm coding a stenography code, but my problem is the size of the image that I want to Hide on another image. Because if the image container is smaller than the image to hide that's return an error of out of index.
So I find a solution, it's to create a thumbnail of the image to hide if the size is bigger than the image container.
Here is the code (return the error in the title):
global filepath,filepath2
im_pass = PIL.Image.open(filepath)
im_cont = PIL.Image.open(filepath2)
width_x, height_y = im_pass.size #(x,y)
width_x2, height_y2 = im_cont.size #(x,y)
if width_x > width_x2 or height_y > height_y2:
if width_x2 > height_y2:
max_size = width_x2
min_size = height_y2
elif height_y2 > width_x2:
max_size = height_y2
min_size = width_x2
width_x, height_y = int(min_size//1.5), int(min_size//1.5)
File ".\Projet_final.py", line 21, in Stega
File "C:\Users\Naylor\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\site-packages\PIL\Image.py", line 2119, in thumbnail
if x > size[0]:
TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptable
So what I'm expecting is to create the thumbnail and to Hide it into the container image (that part already work).
According to the documentation (reference), thumbnail
expects the size to be defined in a tuple of (width, height)
, and not two separate parameters.
global filepath,filepath2
im_pass = PIL.Image.open(filepath)
im_cont = PIL.Image.open(filepath2)
width_x, height_y = im_pass.size #(x,y)
width_x2, height_y2 = im_cont.size #(x,y)
if width_x > width_x2 or height_y > height_y2:
if width_x2 > height_y2:
max_size = width_x2
min_size = height_y2
elif height_y2 > width_x2:
max_size = height_y2
min_size = width_x2
width_x, height_y = int(min_size//1.5), int(min_size//1.5)