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Auto alphanumeric Unique Id with C#

Total string length is 5 chars. I have a scenario, ID starts with: A0001 and ends with: A9999, B0001 to B9999


  • If my product (a) will have A0001, A0002, etc....
  • If my product (b) will have b0001, b0002, etc....

How to create this format?

I tried:

int a;
        using (SqlCommand command2 = new SqlCommand("select * from voiceno WHERE ID = '1'", con))

            SqlDataReader dr;
            dr = command2.ExecuteReader();
            if (dr.Read())
                string val = dr["voiceno"].ToString();
                if (val == "0")
                    txtinvoiceno.Text = "00001";
                    a = Convert.ToInt32(dr["voiceno"].ToString());         
                    a = a + 1;
                    txtinvoiceno.Text = a.ToString("00000");


My table looks like

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[voiceno](
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[voiceno] [nvarchar](50) NULL)


  • You can have a function that gets current value and gives you the next value:

    public string Next(string cur)
        int num = int.Parse(cur.Substring(1));
        char chr = cur[0];
        if (num > 9999)
            num = 0;
        return chr + num.ToString().PadLeft(4, '0');

    To make it get last one from database:

    You can get the current biggest ID from database like:

    select Max(id) from voiceno

    Also look at Custom Auto-Generated Sequences with SQL Server

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