I am trying to get the x and y coordinates of the mouse during a mouse-wheel-move event in the Elm 0.19 programming language. I attempt it with this package. See under "Advanced Usage": https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/mpizenberg/elm-pointer-events/3.1.0/Html-Events-Extra-Wheel
The package itself did not describe a clear example so I looked for an example in a similar package. See the example under "advanced usage" in this page: https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/mpizenberg/elm-pointer-events/3.1.0/Html-Events-Extra-Mouse
This example is very similar to what I need, but I can also not get this to work. Get exactly the same problem.
Here is my code adapted from the example to fit with mouse wheel:
module WheelDecoder exposing(..)
import Html exposing (div, text)
import Html.Events.Extra.Wheel as Wheel
import Json.Decode as Decode
type alias WheelEventWithOffsetXY =
{ wheelEvent : Wheel.Event
, offsetXY : {x: Float, y: Float}
decodeWeelWithOffsetXY : Decode.Decoder WheelEventWithOffsetXY
decodeWeelWithOffsetXY =
Decode.map2 WheelEventWithOffsetXY
offsetXYDecoder : Decode.Decoder {x: Float, y: Float}
offsetXYDecoder =
Decode.map2 (\a b -> {x=a,y=b})
(Decode.field "offsetY" Decode.float)
(Decode.field "offsetY" Decode.float)
type Msg
= WheelOffsetXY {x: Float, y: Float}
view =
[ (onWheelOffsetXY (\wheelEvent -> WheelOffsetXY (wheelEvent.offsetXY))) ]
[ (text "mousewheel here") ]
onWheelOffsetXY : (WheelEventWithOffsetXY -> msg) -> Html.Attribute msg
onWheelOffsetXY tag =
options = { stopPropagation = True, preventDefault = True }
func = Decode.map tag decodeWeelWithOffsetXY
attribute = Wheel.onWithOptions options func
When I try to compile with "elm make" I get the following error:
-- TYPE MISMATCH -------------------------------------- src/Map/WheelDecoder.elm
The 2nd argument to `onWithOptions` is not what I expect:
39| attribute = Wheel.onWithOptions options func
This `func` value is a:
Decode.Decoder msg
But `onWithOptions` needs the 2nd argument to be:
Wheel.Event -> msg
Hint: I always figure out the argument types from left to right. If an argument
is acceptable, I assume it is “correct” and move on. So the problem may actually
be in one of the previous arguments!
This error message makes sense as I can see there is a type mismatch, but I have no clue about how to solve it.
It seems like Wheel.eventDecoder
was meant to work with Html.Events.on
or Html.Events.onWithOptions
rather than Wheel.onWithOptions
. These were removed in 0.19 in favor of Html.Events.custom
, however, which is slightly different. Replacing onWheelOffsetXY
with this seems to work:
onWheelOffsetXY : (WheelEventWithOffsetXY -> msg) -> Html.Attribute msg
onWheelOffsetXY tag =
options message =
{ message = message
, stopPropagation = True
, preventDefault = True
decoder =
|> Decode.map tag
|> Decode.map options
Html.Events.custom "wheel" decoder
PS: There's a typo in decodeWeelWithOffsetXY
, btw. I've left the typo in place.
PPS: Also, you're looking at outdated documentation. Here's the documentation for the latest version.