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How to draw shape from path in vue konva?

I am trying to use konvajs inside vue. I want to draw an object from path data, but i don't know how to do it. My main purpose is to get the path data from server, but first i would like to see some drawing in action.

Thank you! All help appreciated.

      <v-layout align-end justify-center row fill-height>
        <v-flex xs12>
          <v-stage :config="configKonva">
              <v-shape :config="configShape"/>
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      configShape: {},
      configKonva: {
        width: 200,
        height: 200
  methods: {},
  mounted() {
    this.configShape = new Konva.Path({
      fill: "#00D2FF",
      stroke: "black",
      strokeWidth: 4,
      data: "m0,0L100,100L0,100L0,0",
      sceneFunc: function(context, shape) {
        // special Konva.js method


  • It is not recommended to use sceneFunc for built-in shapes (such as Konva.Path).

    Take a look into shapes tutorial for vue-konva

    If you want to create a Konva.Path you need to use v-path component:

        x: 200,
        fill: '#00D2FF',
        stroke: 'black',
        strokeWidth: 4,
        data: 'm0,0L100,100L0,100L0,0',


    You you want to have full control of drawing you can use custom shapes: