I am trying to set my initial parameters in order to run a markov regime switching model but I always get the following error:
AttributeError: can't set attribute
My code is the following:
from statsmodels.tsa.regime_switching.markov_autoregression import MarkovAutoregression as mark_auto
mod = mark_auto(endog = data.dlgnp, k_regimes = 2, order=1, switching_variance= False, switching_exog= False, switching_trend= False)
regression.start_params = np.array([0.4,0.4,1,1])
The source code can be found here but the part specially concerning my problem is the following:
def start_params(self):
(array) Starting parameters for maximum likelihood estimation.
# Inherited parameters
params = markov_switching.MarkovSwitching.start_params.fget(self)
# OLS for starting parameters
endog = self.endog.copy()
if self._k_exog > 0 and self.order > 0:
exog = np.c_[self.exog, self.exog_ar]
elif self._k_exog > 0:
exog = self.exog
elif self.order > 0:
exog = self.exog_ar
if self._k_exog > 0 or self.order > 0:
beta = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(exog), endog)
variance = np.var(endog - np.dot(exog, beta))
variance = np.var(endog)
I have also tried np.r_
but it didn't help.
I am running my code on python 2.7.15 and the strangest thing is that I remember having the code working last time I ran it. Any help would be extremely appreciated.
The start_params
property just provides the default starting parameters used when calling the fit
function - you don't have to set it yourself.
If you do want to set specific starting parameters, you would do that when calling fit
, e.g.:
res = mod.fit(start_params=np.array([0.4,0.4,1,1]))