How you can see, this is not a regular progress bar, the logic is unclear for me.
Let's say - when you have ~30 points (from 1000), you should have 50% in progress bar, but how to count this magic number?
In normal case with 30 points (from 1000) you should have around <5%.
I will happy for any clues!
You should calculate the progress based on PARTS, which you split. In your case, you split range to 5 parts.
Sample code:
PARTS = [(0..3), (3..20), (20..50), (50..200), (200..1000)]
def calculate_percentage point
part_index = PARTS.find_index {|x| x.include?(point)}
part = PARTS[part_index]
remain = (point - part.first) * 1.0 / (part.last - part.first)
(part_index + remain) / PARTS_NUMBER
calculate_percentage(30) # => 0.4666666666666667
Hope it helps :D