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C++: multimap custom comparator for object keys

Can I somehow use my own function for ordering the pairs in multimap? I have three classes CTimeStamp, CMail and CMailLog. And the thing is in the CMailLog I have multimap<CTimeStamp, CMail> which I use because for this task I need solution which will be very fast for huge amounts of data and therefor I would need to somehow use method Compare from CTimeStamp when inserting into this multimap. The classes look something like this.

class CTimeStamp {
     int compare (const CTimeStamp &x) const;
class CMail {
class CMailLog {
     multimap<CTimeStamp, CMail> logs;

I'm not sure how to do this or if it's even possible.


  • I would need to somehow use method Compare from CTimeStamp when inserting into this multimap

    As from the std::multimap documentation, all you need is to either

    • provide a specialisation for std::less<CTimeStamp>

      namespace std {
          bool less<CTimeStamp>(const CTimeStamp& a, const CTimeStamp& b) {
              return < 0;


    • provide a custom comparator at the constructor:

      CMailLog() : 
          logs([](const CTimeStamp& a, const CTimeStamp& b) { return < 0; }) 

    I used a lambda expression in my last example for the constructor as I consider that's the shortest and most comprehensible form.
    In fact any callable with the signature bool (const CTimeStamp&,const CTimeStamp&) would fit well.

    You might also write a simple global function

    bool foo(const CTimeStamp& a,const CTimeStamp& b) {
        return < 0;

    or appropriate callable type

    struct foo {
        bool operator()(const CTimeStamp& a,const CTimeStamp& b) {
            return < 0;

    and pass that one at the

    multimap<CTimeStamp, CMail> logs;

    in the constructor initializer list:

    CMailLog() : logs(foo) {}

    Callable struct version

    CMailLog() : logs(foo()) {}