In my program I allow the user to select a student record from the list box, when they hit the edit button a new form opens. This form displays the id and mark of the student they have selected. I am required to let the user edit that mark and update the list box. I am having trouble letting the user edit, and would appreciate any advice on this. (I am having trouble figuring out what to do when I have the user's data inside the edit form)
I'm not allowed to use LINQ, so a solution or advice on how to do it without it would be greatly appreciated.
Main form:
private void btnEditMark_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
string[] s_rec_arr;
if (lstMarks.SelectedIndex == -1) {
MessageBox.Show("please select a student");
} else {
ModuleData.s_rec = lstMarks.SelectedItem.ToString();
s_rec_arr = ModuleData.s_rec.Split(':');
ModuleData.s_id = s_rec_arr[0];
ModuleData.s_mark = s_rec_arr[1];
editMark myEditRecordForm = new editMark();
Edit form:
public partial class editMark : Form {
public editMark() {
StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
private void btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Form1 myForm = new Form1();
private void editMark_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
txtStudentID.Text = ModuleData.s_id;
txtMark.Text = ModuleData.s_mark;
You can add any type of object to a list box, not just strings. Create a student class and add Student
objects to the listbox. Or maybe you prefer to use your ModuleData
class. But in any case, you don't need to use s_rec
with a colon-separated string.
public class Student
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Mark { get; set; }
// Required to make to have the list box display useful information about students.
public override string ToString()
return $"Id = {Id}, Mark = {Mark}";
Now add a parameter to the edit form's constructor to be able to pass the student
private Student _student;
public editMark(Student student)
// Remember the student
_student = student;
StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
txtStudentID.Text = student.Id;
txtMark.Text = student.Mark;
In the editform, if you do Form1 myForm = new Form1();
, this will create a new instance of Form1
instead of of using the existing hidden one.
Remember that a class is a reference type, therefore it is not necessary to pass the student back to the first form, because this one also has a reference to the same student. Only update its properties
private void btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
_student.Id = txtStudentID.Text; // Only id the Id is editable.
_student.Mark = txtMark.Text;
In the main form
private void BtnEditMark_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (lstMarks.SelectedIndex == -1) {
MessageBox.Show("please select a student");
} else {
var student = (Student)lstMarks.SelectedItem;
// Pass the student as to the edit form
var myEditRecordForm = new editMark(student);
myEditRecordForm.ShowDialog(); // The code pauses here until the edit form is closed.
Show(); // Doing this here prevents you from having the edit form knowing about Form1.
// To display the changes.
lstMarks.Items[lstMarks.SelectedIndex] = student;